Australia’s largest metallurgical company BlueScope Steel will begin scheduled modernization (lining replacement) of blast furnace No. 6 with a capacity of 2.1 million tons of steel per year at the Port Kembla steel mill (New South Wales). The company does not believe that low-carbon steel-melting technologies are advanced enough to become a viable alternative.
Chinese corporation Jingye Group, owner of the steelmaking company British Steel, has announced its commitment to invest £ 1.2bn in “greening” blast furnaces at its Scunthorpe steel plant.
Carbon neutrality of the Australian economy, which the country’s Government intends to achieve by 2050, is possible only after the establishment of appropriate financial incentives to decarbonize the industry, writes the local newspaper The Sydney Morning Herald, citing a number of experts.
The South Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy has established a Committee for Green Metallurgy Development within its structure to prepare the steel industry for carbon neutrality.
The Swedish steelmaker SSAB has curtailed negotiations on the potential acquisition of the Dutch steel mill IJmuiden and related rolling capacities belonging to the transnational group Tata Steel, including due to the impossibility of switching to green metallurgy.
The China Iron and Steel Association (CISA) will soon present a series of programs to cut down CO2 emissions from the steelmaking sector as part of the country’s commitment to achieve climate neutrality by 2060.