PJSC “Dniprospetsstal”, Zaporizhzhia
Manufacturer of high-grade stainless steel, produces more than 800 grades of steel in 1200 profile sizes.
An induction furnace with a capacity of 4 tons has been installed in the powder metallurgy shop for the production of more than 30 grades of high-speed and tool steel. In the steel smelting shop №2 there is an open electric arc furnace, with the subsequent purging of the metal in an argon-oxygen converter and processing on the “ladle-furnace” installation. The shop is also equipped with an induction furnace with a capacity of 8 tons for the production of heat-resistant steels and special alloys.
In the steel-smelting shop №3 the intermediate is processed on the installation of the ladle furnace company Danieli with the subsequent vacuuming of the melt in the vacuum cleaner company Mannesmann Demag. The steel smelting shop №5 is equipped with ESP and VDP furnaces of different capacity. This allows you to produce high-quality ingots weighing 0.9-6.0 tons and sheet ingots weighing 9.3-20.0 tons.
The company exports products to 60 countries.
In May 2012, the installation of a new gas cleaning plant by the Turkish company CVS Makina in SPC-3 was completed at DSS. The gas cleaning capacity is 1.2 million m3 / h. As a result, the total level of emissions of suspended solids at the level of 5 mg / Nm3 is provided. The project cost $ 11 million.
Prior to the construction of gas treatment plants, the SPTs-3 source emitted 1,676,382 tons, incl. solid 703,057 tons, gaseous 973,325 tons. After the commissioning of dust and gas cleaning equipment emissions SPTs-3 decreased to 571.61 tons, including solid 12,919 tons, gaseous 558,691 tons per year.
According to the results of a comprehensive inspection conducted by UkrNTC Energostal, the water and air basin protection laboratory of the DSS Environmental Protection Department in November 2020 received a Certificate of Recognition of Competence for Compliance with the Conditions Established by SOU 74.9-001, valid until October 26, 2023.
For 10 months. In 2020, specialists of the laboratory for protection of water and air basin conducted research on 370 workplaces in the shops. Air tests are carried out monthly in the sanitary protection zone of the enterprise. From January to October 2020, 190 chemical analyzes were performed.
DSS in 2020 increased the production of rolled products by 1.3% to 154 thousand tons, steel smelting – by 2.7% to 255 thousand tons.